Labor and social insurance lawyers are authorized experts who can provide consultations for troubles between labor and the management. Who are also capable of solving such troubles, personnel systems, and so on.
We offer consultations for sophisticated and difficult problems concerning the management and labor, deal with laws, regulations, systems that change on a daily basis, and provide effective information on labor. In this manner, we will achieve establishment of secure labor conditions, a comfortable working environment, a perfect company structure and a lawful personnel management.
Also, we as the brains of the manager will offer consultations and instructions relating to actual practice, such as consultations on the management and labor.

Please make use of our specialists on complicated problems, operations, and procedures relating to personnel and labor.

Our office conducts services relating to personnel and labor management as described below.

Preparing and improving regulations

We will prepare a variety of rules (regulations)

Office regulations

Business institutions with 10 or more employees need to make notification of office regulations. Although it may seem onerous to create office regulations, but office regulations are very important since they can be used to defend your company and avoid risks when troubles occur. Please entrust us with preparation, submission, review of laws, explanation, and operation of office regulations.

【Standards of Preparing Office Regulations】

Business institutions constantly employed 10 or more people need to create office regulations and submit them to the competent labor standards supervising office. Here, the 10 or more employees that are used constantly indicate all employees specified under the Labor Standards Act Article 9, regardless of work form, job category, age, and sex.

In addition to the above, we will create regulations as described below.

【Other Regulations】

  • Salary regulations, bonus regulations, annual salary system regulations
  • Retirement benefit regulations
  • Executive regulations
  • Business traveling expenses regulations
  • Regulations for temporary transfer and change in employment
  • Childcare and family-care leave regulations

Consultations and instructions relating to labor, such as working conditions, personnel affairs, wages, safety and health, education and training

We are happy to be your adviser for various labor problems

In employment relationships today, a variety of problems occur on a daily basis. There are many complicated issues, and we assume the management may have difficulty handling such problems.  Our office will act as an adviser for management facing such problems, and provide professional advices and instructions based on judicial precedents, laws, practical examples, and the likes.

Advantages of Using Our Services

  • You will be able to focus on your business by saving on manpower, time, and expenses.

  • You will be able to receive appropriate advices whenever you face problems with the labor.

  • You will be able to implement a lawful personnel management.